March is a important month for Resident Evil fans. The 13th of March is the launch day of Resident Evil 5, continuing the story that has lasted for years! The game will be available exclusively for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 (Sorry Wii owners!). This game keeps the play style of Resident Evil 4, except your partner isn't helpless...or a blonde. The main character of the game is Chris Redfield and it takes place in Africa. Chris has moved on from STARS and has joined a new organization, the BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) and is assigned to an African village because of a mutagenic virus that got distributed in it. As I said above, you get a new team mate...who actually helps! Chris teams up with Sheva Alomar, the BSAA's West African Branch operative. Together, they must find out what happend to the village...and meet some familier faces along the way.
P.S. I have played the demo of this game, and I can tell you that its extreamly fun! You only get two levels, but for a demo, it feels like the game is already finished! It is very well put together. If you have the Wii version of Resident Evil 4, the controls for this game might seem difficult the first few times you play.
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